The more it is exposed to usage, the greater chances for our carpet to accumulate stains from different kinds of carpet stain sources.
Either made of natural or synthetic fibers, carpets come in a variety of textures and materials. Cleaning always depends on the nature of the materials being treated. Professional cleaners, for instance, know that carpet manufacturers use several types of fibers and that each type poses different cleaning challenges. Most people, however, cannot differentiate nylon from acrylic or polypropylene fibers. Most carpets, for example, consist of at least two layers: a bottom sheet holds in place an upper stratum of knotted, woven or tufted fibers. Applying a heat treatment, manufacturers ensure that the fibers will retain their shape.
Manufacturers choose fibers for economic and aesthetic reasons and take into account ease of dyeing, durability, resistance and costs. Natural fibers (long strands of material that can be found in plants and animals), for example, can be easily dyed, although generally more expensive than synthetic materials.
Carpet cleaners also must take into account the neutralizing effect of some bactericides and anti-static products. These chemicals have positive charge; if applied to a nylon carpet, they will only make it more prone to staining.
Should you clean it yourself or hire professional carpet cleaner? As you can see, carpet cleaning is more complicated than it seems. If you need to clean a large area carpet, first find out what materials it is made. Then, pick the right detergent solution and use adequate rinse procedure.
However, if you have no idea of the type of fibers or if you feel unsure about the adequate products, call a professional carpet cleaning company.